MCC celebrates Financial Aid Day
The process of filling out your financial aid for your education can be intimidating and overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. Marshalltown Community College Financial Aid is

Members of the MCC Financial Aid staff Jasmin Cisneros, Rachael Koehler, and Jami Crosser with the life size adult coloring that will be located in the MCC Financial Aid office for visitors to stop in and color.
holding a Financial Aid Day on Wednesday, Oct. 20 to help students have some fun while helping with the financial aid process.
MCC will be hosting several events throughout the day and even into the end of October. They will be holding an adult coloring contest for current students. The coloring pages will be available throughout campus and in the student services area. Entries should be returned to admissions by Friday, Oct. 28 with a winner chosen on Monday, Oct. 31. They will receive a MCC Tiger Care Package.
The coloring page has also been enlarged to life size and will be hanging in Financial Aid on Oct. 20 for students, staff and future students to stop in and color a portion of the image. There will be free light refreshments throughout the day for those that stop in.
In the evening on Oct. 20 MCC will be holding a FAFSA and Food Truck event from 4 – 7 pm located in the front north parking lot of campus. Students should complete a FAFSA worksheet at to ensure that they have everything necessary to fill out their FAFSA and what material they need to bring with them.
Complete a 2023-24 FAFSA during the event and receive a ticket for yourself and a plus one to eat free at the food truck on campus. For questions or any other information contact MCC Financial Aid Specialist Jasmin Cisneros at 641-844-5703.