The Collegiate Veterans Association (CVA) is a group of military veterans and active duty Iowa National Guard students who are currently enrolled at Marshalltown Community College. In addition, the group includes three volunteer advisors who provide support and assistance to all student veterans and their families as they transition to college.
CVA was established on May 14, 2014, after multiple discussions with student veterans about the need for such an organization. With the increased number of student veterans at MCC, we saw a need to assist these students as they pursued their educational goals. CVA is a member of the Student Veterans of America (SVA), the national organization for all student veterans. CVA’s purpose is to help educate college students, faculty, staff, and administrators about the special experiences, circumstances, strengths, and needs of the student veterans and their families. The organization also promotes communication and interaction among student veterans in order to promote “veterans helping veterans.” One of the activities that CVA is also involved in is the coordination of the Veterans Day Ceremony on campus.
CVA is opened to all student veterans, active duty Guard members, family members of both groups, and supporters of veterans. Meetings are held twice a month in the Veterans Lounge (room 405) on the MCC campus. The lounge provides a place for student veterans to study and relax.