and Fees

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Cost To Attend

We ran the numbers for you – Marshalltown Community College is an affordable college choice. Check out our 2024-2025 tuition and fees. This reflects the current cost to attend Marshalltown Community College, as well as costs for room (on-campus housing) and board (meal plans).

The Net Price Calculator is an easy tool to help you estimate your college costs based on your personal needs and finances.

Fall 2024/Spring 2025
Tuition & Fees

Credits Iowa Resident Tuition* Non-Iowa Resident/
International Tuition*
Technology Fee
Facility Fee Iowa Resident
Non-Iowa Resident/
International Total**
1 $203 $245 $18.50 $5.50 $2 $229 $271
2 $406 $490 $37 $11 $4 $458 $542
3 $609 $735 $55.50 $16.50 $6 $687 $813
4 $812 $980 $74 $22 $8 $916 $1,084
5 $1,015 $1,225 $92.50 $27.50 $10 $1,145 $1,355
6 $1,218 $1,470 $111 $33 $12 $1,374 $1,626
7 $1,421 $1,715 $129.50 $38.50 $14 $1,603 $1,897
8 $1,624 $1,960 $148 $44 $16 $1,832 $2,168
9 $1,827 $2,205 $166.50 $49.50 $18 $2,061 $2,439
10 $2,030 $2,450 $185 $55 $20 $2,290 $2,710
11 $2,233 $2,695 $203.50 $60.50 $22 $2,519 $2,981
12 $2,436 $2,940 $222 $66 $24 $2,748 $3,252
13 $2,639 $3,185 $240.50 $71.50 $26 $2,977 $3,523
14 $2,842 $3,430 $259 $77 $28 $3,206 $3,794
15 $3,045 $3,675 $277.50 $82.50 $30 $3,435 $4,065
16 $3,248 $3,920 $296 $88 $32 $3,664 $4,336
17 $3,451 $4,165 $314.50 $93.50 $34 $3,893 $4,607
18 $3,654 $4,410 $333 $99 $36 $4,122 $4,878
For 19 or more credit hours, Iowa Residents add $203 tuition, $18.50 Materials/Technology Fee, $5.50 Student Fee and $2 Facility Fee for each additional credit hour. For 19 or more credit hours, Non-Iowa Residents and International Students add $245 tuition, $18.50 Materials/Technology Fee, $5.50 Student Fee and $2 Facility Fee for each additional credit hour.


Cost of attendance (budget) is the estimated amount of money, determined by the college, used to calculate your federal student aid eligibility. Use the chart to estimate how much you can expect to pay for living expenses, tuition and fees, and transportation at Marshalltown Community College based on your living arrangements and enrollment status.


Get the full college experience by choosing from MCC's on-campus housing options.

  • Single occupancy: $3,375 per semester
  • Double occupancy: $2,600 per semester
  • Triple occupancy: $2,200 per semester
  • Handicap-accessible rooms are available. Special arrangements must be made 30 days in advance.

Food Service

All students living on campus are required to select a meal plan of 18 meals per week for $1,275 per semester. The pre- and post-semester rate for two meals per day is $15.13; for three meals per day, the rate is $18.35. A commuter student meal plan (5 meals/week) is $498 per semester.

Extended stay accommodations (summer break) are $15 per day, with approved extended stay application.