Gunsmith Technology Lab Grand Reopening

IVCCD Board member, Paul Pohlson and Gunsmith Technology Faculty, Matt Ostrander along with current Gunsmith Technology students cutting the ribbon at the new entrance to the repair shop.
GRINNELL – Iowa Valley Grinnell campus was able to reveal the completion of the Gunsmith Technology Lab improvements at the Grand Reopening celebration on Tuesday, November 9.
The Gunsmithing lab renovation is the first project to be completed as part of the 2019 Bond referendum. The renovation added space and functionality to the gunsmithing lab, as well as a secure entrance to the space. The renovation also added an enclosed paint station and expanded the student work stations.
During the 2019 bond referendum campaign, Iowa Valley promised voters that they would be accountable and as projects were completed, the community would be invited to tour projects.
Along with the community, representatives from Poweshiek County were invited to attend including school districts, county and city governments, services clubs, chambers and elected officials. The Gunsmith Technology advisory board committee members, current and former students and representatives from Brownells, Inc. were all in attendance during the event.
A ribbon cutting was done to commemorate the day and the reopening. Brief remarks were made by IVCCD Chancellor, Kristie Fisher, and IVCCD board member, Paul Pohlson. Pohlson has represented Poweshiek County on the IVCCD board for over 12 years. He thanked the community for the support they have given Iowa Valley and the continued support for the Grinnell campus.
Dean of Iowa Valley Grinnell, MaryAnne Nickle, also spoke about the improvements to campus and the benefits these will provide for the students.
Iowa Valley Grinnell Gunsmith Technology program is the only program of its kind in Iowa and one of the only few in the Midwest.