Diversity makes all students’ lives matter
MARSHALLTOWN – Marshalltown Community College is excited to welcome Dr. Kesho Scott, for a special presentation titled “Diversity Makes All Students’ Lives Matter More!”
Scott is an internationally renowned Diversity Trainer/Consultant, an Associate Professor of American Studies and Sociology at Grinnell College, and an award-winning writer. She has over two decades experience leading hundreds of professional and community-based workshops. She has been the keynote speaker for national conferences as well as a participant on several dozen national and local radio debates, discussions, and public service announcements.
During the presentation on April 11, attendees will learn strategies for improving inclusion for various groups, managing diversity to ensure school safety, and implementing equitable practices. The event is open to the public, with snacks and refreshments provided.
The presentation will take place from 1 to 2:30 pm at Dejardin Hall on the MCC campus. For those unable to attend in person, they can view the presentation on Zoom at http://iavalley.zoom.us/j/97854499240 (Meeting ID: 978 5449 9240).