
Home » About MCC » Consumer Information

Colleges and universities must provide consumer information on their web pages to ensure transparency and accountability to students, parents, and the public. This information typically includes data on tuition and fees, graduation rates, job placement statistics, accreditation status, financial aid options, campus safety policies, and faculty credentials. By making this information readily accessible, educational institutions empower prospective students to make informed decisions about their academic and financial future, promoting fairness and trust in the higher education system.

MCC Student Outcome Data

Student achievement (including retention, graduation, transfer and employment rates) is important to MCC. Student cohort retention rates are tracked and reported to the National Center for Education Statistics via the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) each spring. The most recent IPEDS submission reports on the fall-to-fall retention rate of fall 2021 first-time, full-time students. The fall 2021 IPEDS cohort consisted of 254 students; 134 students (70 percent) of the cohort enrolled during fall 2022 (graduates included). 

The 150% (three-year) graduation rate is also reported via IPEDS. For Marshalltown Community College degree-seeking students who first entered, full-time in the fall of 2019, 35 percent graduated within 150 percent of the normal completion time. The transfer rate for the fall 2019 cohort was 15 percent. Student-athletes who first entered on a full-time basis during fall 2019 had a graduation rate of 40 percent. 

Campus Safety and Security

Campus crime statistics are available through the Dean of Students Office (Rm 115) and Provost’s Office (Rm 119) or by going to and searching for Marshalltown Community College.

The most current MCC security and fire safety data can be viewed here: IVCCD Annual Security & Fire Safety Report (ASR) (a printed copy may be requested through the Dean of Students Office).

Marshalltown Community College takes seriously the safety of its students and guests. We have a separate web page devoted to information about Title IX, which pertains to sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic/dating violence, stalking, and related crimes.

Freedom of Speech and Expression

Public institutions of higher education shall protect the first amendment rights of the institution’s students, staff, and faculty and shall establish and publicize policies that prohibit institutional restrictions and penalties based on protected speech, including political speech, to the fullest extent required by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In accordance with House File (HF) 744, which was signed into law by Governor Reynolds on May 20, 2021, Iowa Valley Community College District (IVCCD) established Board Policy #105 (Freedom of Speech and Expression) to comply with the Iowa law to protect speech and expression at public institutions of higher education.

The primary function of an institution of higher education is the discovery, improvement, transmission, and dissemination of knowledge by means of research, teaching, discussion, and debate. To fulfill this function, the institution must strive to ensure the fullest degree of intellectual freedom and free expression allowed under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. This policy is made and published by the District to prohibit intellectual restrictions and penalties based on protected speech, including political speech, to the fullest extent of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

IVCCD shall be providing annual training to the District’s students, staff, and faculty on free speech under the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. This training will be offered as a self-paced course. Students will access the course through Canvas. Faculty and staff will access the course through PayCor. Additional information on accessing this course will be provided in the near future.


Copies of Board Policy 501 and the related guidelines regarding the Family Educational Right & Privacy Act may be obtained via the College websites. The following summarizes the provisions of the Act and subsequent amendments:

Students have the right to inspect and review their education records. The College will grant students the right to inspect their education records within 45 days of the request. Students do not have the right to inspect confidential letters and statements of recommendation put in their file prior to January 1, 1975, to parents’ financial records, or to confidential letters or recommendations (for which they have signed a waiver) with respect to admission, application for employment, or receipt of an honor.

Students have the right to seek amendment to the content of their education records regarding the accuracy of such records and whether the records are misleading or constitute a violation of their privacy rights. This procedure may involve a hearing on the correction or deletion of allegedly inaccurate, misleading, or inappropriate data and the opportunity for students to insert in their records a written explanation of the contents of the records.

Except as provided for within the Act, personally identifiable information about students in education records cannot be released without written consent. The College may release “directory information” without written consent unless the student specifically requests that such information not be released. Directory information includes the student’s name, degree, diploma, and earned certificates and awards, dates of attendance, entrance year and semester, full-time or part-time enrollment status, not enrolled, freshman or sophomore status, program, and hometown (this does not include state, zip code or country). Students may indicate a preference that any or all of this information not be released by submitting a written request to the Registrar’s Office within the first 30 calendar days of the beginning of each term or within the first five calendar days for each summer term. If a student elects to have directory information remain confidential, no information will be released without consent.

The College will maintain a record of access to students’ education records. This record is accessible only to the student and the staff in the Student Services Office, or as provided for in the Act. The record of access will not apply to access of education records by IVCCD officials (may include a person employed by IVCCD in an administrative, supervisory, academic, or support staff position; or a member of the Board of Directors; or a contractor, consultant, or volunteer to whom IVCCD has outsourced institutional services or functions, in accordance with the conditions of FERPA) with a legitimate educational interest (if review of the record is needed for the official to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for IVCCD) and as otherwise provided in the Act.

Students may request and receive unofficial copies of all or part of their education records. Students can access unofficial transcript copies through PawPass. Students have the right to request and receive a response that will explain or interpret their education records.

The College forwards records on request to a school at which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is enrolled, for enrollment/transfer purposes. Complaints concerning alleged violations of the Act may be made with the College and/or the federal Family Policy Compliance Office of the U.S. Dept. of Education, 400 Maryland Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-8520.

Grievances, Complaints, Concerns

For Students

Iowa Valley Community College District and Marshalltown Community College desire to resolve student grievances, complaints, and concerns in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner. MCC students residing outside of the state of Iowa while attending classes who desire to resolve a grievance should follow the College’s grievance procedure in the Student Handbook.

The College believes in maintaining an educational environment that is positive and productive for its students. Occasionally, a student may claim that he or she has experienced an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of IVCCD Board policies, rules, and regulations; has been unfairly treated by an IVCCD employee or another student; or that the contractual relationship between the student and IVCCD has been breached. When these situations arise, students should follow the Student Grievance Procedure. For all other complaints and feedback, the student should follow the Student Feedback/Complaint Procedure. Forms are found in the Dean of Students’ office as well as here:

Access to an appeal as defined within College policies and procedures, but no more than 5 business days after the sanctioning decision. If students feel that they have been disciplined unfairly or if they wish to appeal some other decision that they consider to be unjustified, unfair, or a violation of student rights, then the student should appeal that decision. An appeal is not granted in cases where there is disagreement with a College policy or procedure. In those cases, students should file a complaint with the appropriate department, but the sanction will not be contested. Appeal forms are located in the Dean of Students’ office as well as here:

In the event; that a complaint cannot be satisfied through one of these avenues, the Iowa Department of Education’s Bureau of Iowa College Aid  (Iowa College Aid) is authorized to receive and review complaints from students. Students may contact Iowa College Aid to register a complaint online at:, If an issue cannot be resolved through Iowa College Aid, you may file a complaint with the Higher Learning Commission (; ph. 312-263-0456).

For Non-Students/Constituents

IVCCD believes in maintaining an educational environment that is positive and productive for its constituencies. Because feedback, complaints, and grievances are used to improve District services, processes, and procedures, communication between the constituent and the District is important and expected; therefore, anonymous forms are not accepted.

Constituent feedback and complaints are important to the improvement of District services. Feedback or complaints that are unrelated to a student grievance should follow these steps:

  1. Complete the Constituent Feedback/Complaint Form. The feedback/complaint should pertain to a circumstance that occurred within the past 12 months. Feedback/complaints about circumstances that happened more than 12 months ago may or may not be valuable, and will not be considered actionable.
  2. Submit the form. The form includes checkboxes for the constituent to indicate a) whether s/he wants to discuss the issue with a District representative and b) whether s/he would like to receive any verbal or written response to the feedback/complaint. Instructions for submitting the form are included on the form.
  3. If the constituent is dissatisfied after submitting the form, s/he should contact the member of the District’s Strategic Leadership Team with oversight over the relevant area to discuss the Constituent Feedback/Complaint Form in person. After the resolution, all feedback and complaints, including the outcomes, are documented and shared with the Administrative Leadership Team to analyze and improve processes.

Constituents with concerns about the District’s ability to meet the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Criteria for Accreditation may submit a complaint to the Higher Learning Commission (

Educational Equity Statement

Iowa Valley Community College District does not discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, actual or potential family, parental or marital status, or other protected classes. If you have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy, please contact the Vice President of Administration, serving as the District Equity Officer, 3702 S. Center Street, Marshalltown, IA 50158, 641-844-5530,, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education, John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor, Chicago, IL 0604-7204, Telephone: 312-730-1560 Facsimile: 312-730-1576, TDD 800-877-8339 Email:

Semester College Credits

At IVCCD/Marshalltown Community College, semester hours of undergraduate credit across all disciplines and departments are awarded by the “Carnegie Unit” method. A semester credit hour is normally granted for satisfactory completion of one 55-minute session of classroom instruction per week for a semester of 15 weeks. This basic measure may be adjusted proportionately to reflect modified academic calendars and formats of study. A semester credit hour is an academic unit earned for 15 55-minute sessions of classroom or direct faculty instruction or its equivalent with a normal expectation of two hours of outside study for each class session.

All IVCCD distance learning classes have an on-campus version of the course whereby the amount of instruction, course objectives, and learning outcomes are equivalent between modes of delivery. Learning objectives are determined, organized, and evaluated by our faculty annually per course. Comparisons of course syllabi for distance vs. on-campus sections of a course have equivalent learning standards. For a distance learning class, while there is no “seat requirement,” there is a normal expectation of three hours of outside study per week for each semester credit hour during the typical 15 weeks of the course.

Credit Definitions

  1. One on-campus class credit is defined as: 1 class hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction per week and a minimum of 2 class hours of out-of-class student work each week.
  2. One distance learning or hybrid class credit is defined as: an equivalent amount of instruction and student work leading to equivalent learning outcomes, as required for the on-campus class as defined above.
  3. One laboratory credit is defined as a minimum of 2 class hours of work each week in a laboratory under the supervision of a lab supervisor/instructor and an expectation of 1 class hour of additional out-of-class student work each week.
  4. Online courses with one laboratory credit taught via distance learning require the equivalent learning outcomes/lab experiences as required for the on-campus lab, but with a normal expectation of 3 hours of student work each week (usually handled through laboratory kits purchased by the student).
  5. One clinical or internship or practicum credit is defined as a minimum of 4 class hours of work each week in a laboratory or work setting under the supervision of a lab supervisor/instructor and an expectation of 1 class hour of additional out-of-class student work each week.

Additional MCC Consumer Information

The U.S. Department of Education requires that all colleges annually provide notice regarding the availability of the consumer information listed below. Please contact the department responsible with questions, concerns, or requests for paper copies.


Maintained by the MCC Athletic Department.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy

Maintained by the MCC Dean of Students.

Emergency Notification System

Maintained by the MCC Provost’s Office.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Maintained by the MCC Registrar’s Office.

Financial Aid

Maintained by the MCC Financial Aid Office.

General Information

Photo/Video Policy

Iowa Valley Community College District reserves the right to take photographs or videos of faculty, staff, and students engaged in teaching, research, clinical practices, intercollegiate athletics, student activities, and other activities, as well as casual and portrait photography or videography. These photographs and videos may be used as part of marketing and promotional efforts including (but not limited to) advertisements, news/feature stories, publications (e.g., catalogs, brochures, posters, etc.), website images, social media posts, recruitment activities, and other promotional purposes serving IVCCD and/or its units.

Classes are photographed only with the permission of the instructor, and students will be given the opportunity not to be featured. Photographs and video files will be kept in the files and archives of IVCCD as deemed appropriate and will remain available for use by the District without time limitations or restrictions.

Faculty, staff, and students are made aware by virtue of this policy that the District reserves the right to alter photography and videography for creative purposes. Faculty, staff, and students who do not want to be in District photographs or videography as described in this policy should contact the IVCCD Marketing Director.

IVCCD employees, students, and community members are advised that photographs and videography taken in public places and at public events do not require signatures or authorization for publication. IVCCD has no control over the use of photographs or videography taken by third parties, including (without limitation) the news media covering College activities and events.

Student Right-to-Know Act

Employees are available during normal operating hours (Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm) to help prospective students, current students, and current and prospective employees obtain consumer information.