Marshalltown Community College chartered a collegiate chapter of the League of United Latin American Citizens. Our LULAC student organization is focused on academic success and developing a network of Latino leaders that role model, mentor, and promote change. Our focus is to create a culture that recruits, persists and retains our students to obtain academic and career aspirations.
Student can participate in several events, conferences and volunteer opportunities throughout the school year. These events include but are not limited to…
Attending the Emerge Latino Conference exposed our Hispanic/Latino students to the current issues facing Latinos.
- Our students attended workshops about the environment, education, healthcare and immigration.
- They also learned how to raise awareness, and seek action from elected leaders in a non-partisan manner and took those concerns to Capitol Hill.
- Academic study sessions on Tuesday nights at MCC.
- Hosting about 60 middle school students about college access and success.
- Collaborating with the Latino CAN Coalition to provide feedback on the creation of a statewide Latino network.
- Participate in Iowa State University Extension Service-Learning training and volunteer in Marshall County Summer Day Camps.